Monday, April 14, 2008

Sal attacks episode #3

Little did Sponge Man know just what no good Sal was up to. Early that morning he cleverly made his way through a back entrance and hid in a closet waiting for the food to put put on display. The Great Wall is a popular place and he knew he could make many people very ill in very short order.

As the workers brought the food out, Sal waited until they went back in the kitchen before he sprang into action. While they were away he would run out and run his slimy hands through the delicious looking deep fried shrimp, run his tongue along oysters and the clams and rush back to his closet each time he heard the kitchen door open. This continued for some time before they had all the food out ready for consumption.

Very soon the line started to form for the lunch time crowd. Little did they know what was waiting for them. The bacteria had been fermenting for several hours and was ready to make people very sick. At 11:00 the doors opened and the patrons quickly started to fill their plates... stay tuned!

1 comment:

Aaron McLeod said...

It says put twice in a row on the first paragraph. Just thought you should know.